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How to Choose the Perfect Bridal Bouquet

There are many factors that go into determining what to look for when purchasing your perfect bridal bouquet for your wedding celebration. Some factors are: Size, Color, Dress Type, Mood of the Occasion, Quality and factoring when tossing the bouquet!

First off, picking a shape that suits you is very important. It is important because if you are a petite woman, then you should be choosing a smaller size bouquet. It is all in the ergonomics. At your wedding, the bouquet size is key to set the tone for how you are presented throughout the wedding event.

The next determining factor when deciding on a perfect bouquet is the color of your bouquet. It is a matter of shades. The words are simple: "Here comes the bride, all dressed in white...." The trick, however, is what shade of white the bride will be wearing. There's bright white, off-white, antique white, ivory, blush, champagne, and so on. Certain "white" flowers can play visual tricks with your gown. For instance, white roses tend to make an ivory dress look dirty.

Also, very dark flowers (magenta, maroon, etc.) may appear unattractively black in photographs, and a monotone bouquet often appears to be one big blob. Ask your photographer about this before finalizing floral selections.

The third factor when determining a bridal bouquet and to make it truly perfect is the type of dress the bride will be wearing. If the bride is wearing a modern, tres chic and streamlined dress, then she should go out and add loud and textured flowers. However, if the dress is more contemporary, then it is key to get a bridal bouquet that will bring out the simplicity in the dress and enhance the details and essence of the wedding gown.

The fourth factor when purchasing the perfect bridal bouquet is to make sure that the bouquet complements your character. Get a bouquet that will complement you, your personality, and character.

To set the mood of your wedding, you will choose a grand venue to house your wedding celebration, so it is fair in assuming that venue could play a role in determining the perfect bouquet. Remember, complement it

Then there is the quality of the bouquet. Are you someone that pays attention to detail? Someone that is organized and a beauty freak? Then getting the right bouquet to represent you, especially on your wedding day is not only possible but recommended. Think about higher quality flowers and materials

And finally, after all is said and done. After, carrying the bouquet in the church, in the reception, what is left to do with it? Throw it! That is right; the bridal bouquet’s final destination is left to be thrown to all the single women in the crowd. To if you are petite or not so petite, getting a bouquet that is compatible to your size is crucial.

Remember, this item is suppose to be fun, just like anything else, so think perfect and you will be rewarded!