Sound and Party Rentals Dynamic Sound

Printing Photos on Canvas

Imagine the look on their faces and the joy when your gift recipients see memories from photographs captured into a TreasureKnit® color Photo Blanket.

We take your favorite photograph and weave it directly into a snuggly full color throw photo blanket. As always, the image is woven directly into the blanket

Comor Photo

50" x 60" $150

Wall Hangings

  • Photograph - 26 x 36 $200
  • Tapestry - 36 x 26 $200

Art Photo Canvas

  • 11 x 14 Canvas $120
  • 16 x 20 Canvas $150
  • 20 x 24 Canvas $175
  • 24 x 36 Canvas $200

Just as an oil painting is produced one stroke at a time, so too is your TK Photo Canvas masterpiece transformed by the TreasureKnit® Art department from your favorite photograph.

Our graphic designers are trained to deliver artistic digital painted brush strokes that look and feel like a real oil

Painted Portrait!

Your favorite photo will transform from a memorable moment to an enduring work of art, a unique gift, one "digital" brush stroke at a time.













All of our Packages are FLEXIBLE and CUSTOMIZABLE.- Just Ask!

Traveling Charges may be added to all packages outside of the Houston Metroplex.